Organisations of any type, any size, and based in any country can join the GeCCo movement. Organisations agree to work towards the overall vision of mass transition with electricity being the cooking fuel of choice for >10% of the population. They agree to work within the context of the programme as operationalised in each country where GeCCo programmes are active (acknowledging that some organisations will work differently in different countries), ensuring that activities are aligned with the GeCCo approach.
The coalition is not a development fund, so becoming a member does not confer any rights to disbursement of funds from the coalition. There is no cost to joining as a coalition member.
To join as a member, please complete the sign-up form. If your organisation has multiple national offices we suggest that each office joins individually to make sure you’re included when infomation about country readiness assessments and country engagement groups is shared.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Global eCooking Coalition
This form collects information on new members, where they work, and the types of activities they do. Members who consent to it will be contacted during readiness assessments and when a county action group is formed in their country of operation. Newsletters and coalition updates will also be shared.
The Anchor Partners are the founding organisations of GeCCo.

The coalition Engagement Group is comprised of GeCCo members actively involved in the eCooking sector, working towards mass scale up and proactive involvement in the Country Action Groups.